The Money Game was developed in the eco-community of Findhorn 20 years ago. It helps people to understand the feelings and beliefs they have about money.
I took part in an online version of the game. It involved staking real money to play so the consequences of decisions felt “real”.
“Money is an empty medium… onto which a person projects his or her definitions”
Money is a simple medium for complex behaviour
The Money Game encourages reflection on archetypal behaviours defined by Peter Koenig - running after, pushing away and cycling the two.
Running after money
In the first round, players take money from whoever they like.
I took a small sum to round up my stake but as others took my money, I chased losses to try and hold on to the starting amount.
Pushing money away
In the second round, players give money away to whoever they like.
I decided to give my money away to deserving people but realised others were doing the same! I stopped trying and ended up with more than I started with. Karma?
The “washing machine”
In the final round, players offer or request money from one another with consent.
We used breakout rooms to negotiate with each other. I offered money to people at random or because I liked their stories and ended with a small, acceptable loss.
The game didn’t end there but this must remain a secret until you play yourself…