One of the great things about using Scratch for Code Club projects is that that the kids can really easily upload their work to the web. Unfortunately, the local network at our school won't allow this and nobody seems to know anything about how it works. I think that a lot of school networks in our area are set up by the same incumbent IT service provider that no doubt has a long term contract with the council.
This is something I would like to look into further as I can see this being a major limiting factor in progressing beyond locally installed programs like Scratch (the new version is actually web-based). I've already given all the kids in our class their own USB sticks so they can take their work home with them.
I finally got around to locating the Scratch files on the school's network however and uploaded a bunch of them en masse to the Scratch website. Take a look if you are interested to see some of the early Code Club projects and the missed results you get with a wide range of ages and abilities.
We are moving on to creating our own Scratch projects from next week. I can't wait to see what crazy stuff they come up with but I'm also a little daunted by the prospect of going off-piste, into the realms of unscripted Scratch activity.